Easily integrate Expo projects with Sentry for error reporting

Brent Vatne
Published in
May 12, 2017


Update: The post below is out of date. Please follow the instructions in our Using Sentry guide.

The key driver behind implementing postPublish hooks was to make it dead easy for you to upload your source maps to Sentry and tag a new release. Error reporting is essential to building and maintaining high quality production apps, and we wanted to make it easy enough to integrate into Expo that you have no reason not to use it.

XDE logs when the sentry-expo does its business

Follow our guide “Using Sentry” to set this up on your project. Thank you Ben Vinegar, Daniel Griesser, and Armin Ronacher from Sentry for helping us work through Sentry and Expo integration.

An error report on the Sentry dashboard

