Exponent → Expo

Adventures in Self-Abbreviation

Charlie Cheever


Hi Exponent Community —

We’re shortening the name of the Exponent project to just Expo starting today (3/6/17).

We think Expo is easier to say and remember. And since one of the features of Expo(nent) that we’re most excited about is the way that it lets you show off your projects to other developers more easily than anything else, we think the concept of an expo lines up really nicely with the spirit of what we’re trying to accomplish.

Our new website is https://expo.io and “Exponent” is changing to “Expo” everywhere we can. Our logo and wordmark will be the same except we’ll drop the “nent” from Exponent to just become Expo. If we overlook a few places in the docs or in code, please have a little patience since we’re a small team. Some things might take a few hours or days to update. Feel free to write in to support@expo.io or send PRs on to point us to anything we miss.

We’ll leave a note at the bottom of our homepage and in the docs for a couple of months to try to alleviate any confusion for people who don’t happen to see this blog post, and if you ask us about Exponent, we’ll still know what you’re talking about ;)


